Webinar – Electronic Meetings that Pass Parliamentary Muster

Electronic Meetings that Pass Parliamentary Muster

Presented by Lawrence Taylor, PRP
April 24, 2020 
7:00 p.m. CT
This webinar is an overview of state-of-the-art video conferencing tools and how to use them to achieve essential parliamentary requirements for deliberative assemblies. It will focus on Zoom and internet software for voting. It will also provide sample electronic meeting rules.
Access the webinar at https://nap.adobeconnect.com/workshops and enter as a Guest using your FULL name. Enter the meeting room at least 10 minutes early to check your audio connection. If you see a message showing the banner graphic, your connection is working.
Space is limited. The first 100 members to log on will be able to participate in the live session. Access to the meeting room begins approximately one hour prior to the event. A recording will be made available for free through June 30. After June 30, you will be able to purchase the webinar recording through our online store.



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