Helpful Tips for Zoom Events

As we continue to navigate this virtual landscape for our workshops and events using Zoom, we would like to remind you of some tips to help you have a seamless experience.
  1. Create a Zoom account.  It is free and easy!  This will then allow you to input your First and Last Name on your Zoom profile.
  2. Ensure you have updated your Zoom app to the latest version.  Zoom makes frequent updates so checking bi-weekly should keep your account current.
  3. Zoom Webinar and Zoom Meeting are not the same.  NAP uses both Zoom Webinar and Zoom Meeting depending on the event. While both are Zoom platforms, the behavior is not the same.  Webinar will not allow participants to speak freely, nor can participants rename themselves or see each other.  There is also no waiting room in Webinars so there is no way to “join early”.
  4. Know your device.  Zoom behaves differently depending on the device you are using.  Androids, iPhones, iPads, Laptops, all have different limitations.  This question will always be posed by the tech host to ensure the proper advice is being given.
We have noticed registration and sign-on links and buttons will not work with certain internet browsers. When providing Join Links in communications from headquarters, we will begin providing the Meeting ID and passcode to minimize issues members may experience joining workshops and events. If the registration or sign-on button does not work, you will be able to copy and paste the URL, meeting ID and passcode to your internet’s address bar to join the meeting. Questions may be posed to , but be aware that prior to the start of the meeting, response may be somewhat delayed as preparations are being made for the upcoming event.



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