Find a Professional Registered Parliamentarian

Are you looking for a parliamentarian? Do you have questions about parliamentary procedure? If yes, let NAP help you locate a Professional Registered Parliamentarian (PRP).

A PRP is a credentialed consultant who can advise your organization, its leaders, members, committees, and staff on parliamentary law and proper procedures for conducting effective and efficient meetings. Use this directory to locate a PRP by name, specialty, and/or location.

NOTE: The National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) does not act as an agent for the parliamentarians listed and certifies only that they are a current member who has met the knowledge and professional development requirements necessary to attain NAP’s designation of Professional Registered Parliamentarian®. Any and all terms of employment should be negotiated between the client and the parliamentarian.

[HINT: Please spell out the state or province name to search by “State Residing In”; the form does not recognize abbreviations. For best results, include surrounding states and “Anywhere in United States” (or Canada) if searching by location. Select multiple entries by pressing Ctrl (PC) or Cmd (MAC) and clicking on the desired entries.]

If you are a Professional Registered Parliamentarian and wish to participate in this referral directory, you can do so here.

Joe Neglia

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Closest Metropolitan Area:


States in which you are or are willing to practice
  • Arizona
  • District of Columbia
Overview of Experience

Joe Neglia serves as a parliamentarian for educational, professional, and political organizations. As a registered professional engineer and a professor of engineering technology, Joe has demonstrated effectiveness in educational institutions and professional societies. In the political realm, Joe has served both as a meeting parliamentarian and as a floor parliamentarian, helping delegates to participate effectively in meetings where Robert’s Rules of Order are used.

In addition, Joe has taught practical, effective use of Robert’s Rules of Order in active and engaging seminars for both students and faculty in educational institutions, political parties at the legislative district level, and annually at the Arizona Alpha Unit of the National Association of Parliamentarian Workshops since 2017. He is currently the President of the Arizona State Association of Parliamentarians.

Types of organizations served
  • Nonprofits
  • Corporations
  • Government - Federal
  • Government - State/Province
  • Government - Local
  • Trade Associations
  • Professional Associations
  • PanHellenic Organizations
  • Church/Religious Organization
Areas of specialty
  • General parliamentary procedure
  • Bylaws/Governing Documents
  • Presiding
  • Parliamentary Opinion Writing
  • Board Training
  • Conventions/Meetings
  • Elections
  • Teaching
  • Minutes

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