How to Become an NAP Member

The application process for membership is very straightforward. Once you have completed the online membership application, you will need to pass a 44-question quiz on basic parliamentary procedure based on Robert’s Rules of Order In Brief (3rd Edition).

Follow the steps below to begin the process.

Access or Create Your NAP Account

If you do not have an account with NAP, you will need to create one through the NAP Portal.

Once you have established your account, click on the option to “Purchase Individual Membership.” This will log you in on the Portal home page.

If you already have an account, log in to the Portal and follow these steps:

  • Select “Apply for membership” on the dropdown menu under the profile image (top right corner). This will start the membership application.
  • Select the appropriate member type. Note that national dues (and some association dues) are prorated the first year. All memberships are based on the calendar year, thus need to be renewed by January 1 of the next year.
  • Select an association, typically the state or province in which you reside; if you belong to an NAP unit, select the Unit Member option under the association, otherwise select Member at Large. On the next page you must include the name of the Unit to which you belong. You may add or change your primary NAP Unit at anytime by notifying NAP in writing. NOTE: All Unit dues must be paid directly to the Unit. 
  • Complete the payment process.

You will receive a receipt by email as well as an email with information about the exam process.

The exam is virtually monitored using an application called ExamSoft. Again, you will receive information about accessing the exam in subsequent emails.

Your exam results will be verified by NAP’s Membership Examiners Committee, which will then notify you passed the exam and are officially a member of NAP. That’s when your NAP adventure begins!

TIP: Check into the scholarships for young professionals and students offered by NAP Educational Foundation. This could help to fund your next year’s NAP and association dues.

If you require accommodation from the National Association of Parliamentarians® (NAP) in order to take any examination, please consult our policy on accommodations for how to proceed. 

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