Advancing the principles and practice of democratic

What is NAP?

The National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) provides education and resources to facilitate efficient and democratic decision-making processes through the effective use of parliamentary procedure.

NAP University is open!

NAP University is the premier online learning center for parliamentary education. It houses a variety of courses, events, and related resources on parliamentary law and its use to ensure fair and democratic decision-making. 

What is
parliamentary procedure?

Parliamentary procedure, also known as "the rules of democracy," defines how groups of people, can most effectively meet.

Why do I need a credentialed parliamentarian?

Many different decision-making bodies use parliamentary procedure: HOAs, not-for-profit organizations, churches, unions, and more.

How do I find a credentialed parliamentarian?

You can find a credentialed parliamentarian by us ing the Find a Parliamentarian Referral Directory

How do I become a credentialed parliamentarian?

We provide resources for the preparation and completion of multiple levels of parliamentarian credentialing

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News & Highlights

NAP Headquarters will be closed December 24, 2024, through January 1, 2025. Orders received after Thursday, December 19, 2024, will be processed when the office opens January 2, 2025. There will also be no CEU updates for credentialed members during this time.

Office Closed

NAP logo mace with eagle on top and two lines of text on bottom "National Association of Parliamentarians"

Due to a severe winter storm affecting travel in the area, NAP HQ will be closed Monday, January 6.